Sunday, April 08, 2007

Calling all angels, LOA too?

Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you will find....

Funnily enough, this phrase is mentioned in the Bible, which, at first, is not such an obvious link with one of Lenny's most beautiful songs, Calling All Angels.

But to me it is. Confusing maybe? Result of over-enthusiastic creative thinking? When thinking with a narrow mind, it probably is. Not to judge the "narrow-minded", as I think that society these days tricks you that it is better to deal with that way. But drop the limits of your thinking-process, and see the beauty of a creative mind.

I was brought up in a religious family. Details are irrelevant here; but as with everything, it had an effect on how I developed in life. To cut a long story short, it left me somewhat disorientated, this combination of fear, hope and failing ability to "believe". The unknown makes it hard to believe, so the easy option seems to seek for prove. But when proven, believing is no use to you anymore.

Along the way, I took from it what I thought was important: the desire to know, to feel, to wish, to love, to be aware, and most of all, to learn that in all these matters there is no such thing as 'failure'. And lately I discovered that you don't need any prove on this, apart from your own.

Life can be so impossible to understand. The more you think about it, the more complicated it becomes. But when you use your creative mind, it all starts making sense. And complicated thoughts, feelings and questions turn into challenges.

Slowly but surely I have experienced the last few months, that there is so much more going on in life, than one would consider. There are so many more possibilities than ever imagined, if only you allow yourself to think without limits. And what would seem as an impossible task, you'll find yourself dealing with it in complete ease. Ease, as there is no failure! 'Impossible' becomes a choice of possibilities in many different ways.

When I mentioned "creative mind", shortly after I found Ernest Shurtleff Holmes's writing on this site, which is extremely interesting. It will take some time to read it all, so can't even say that it represents, or not, my opinions. I need to finish it first. But so far, it has already touched me with many 'signs'. What makes it even more intriguing, is that it was written in 1923!

So here's to creative thinking.

My creative mind has brought me the experience of finding the first missing pieces of this complicated but beautiful puzzle. They fit precisely, they link perfectly. And they inspire me to start searching for the rest.

To love for the sake of being loved
is human,
but to love for the sake of loving
is angelic.
--Alphonse de Lamartine--


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