My Imaginary Life
A gentle breeze from Hushabye Mountain
Softly blows o'er lullaby bay.
It fills the sails of boats that are waiting-
-Waiting to sail your worries away.
It isn't far to Hushabye Mountain
And your boat waits down by the key.
The winds of night so softly are sighing-
-Soon they will fly your troubles to sea.
So close your eyes on Hushabye Mountain.
Wave good-bye to cares of the day.
And watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain
Sail far away from lullaby bay.
When thinking about My Imaginary Life ...
(which is the first prompt of this new site, launched today, made by and for writers: Writers Island. One of the persons who started it up, is Rob Kistner, someone I got to know via blogging/writing and admire a lot! Not only for his writing, but as a person as well).
Words that connect are so eager to be written down, to be said out loud, but given the fact that I do not have the amount of time to give all these words a chance, I use the words of Einstein. I couldn't have said it better anyway...
(and if anyone wants to imagine how my imagination works, just close your eyes and listen to the song above...)
is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited, whereas
imagination embraces the entire world,
stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
A great post -- I'll be back to listen again and to read more.
Beautiful post and sparking of the imagination... through word and song...
Jo - You've created a splendid post here... I thoroughly enjoyed the song -- and the brilliant quote from Albert. Thank you, and glad you're an islander!
Thank you all, I'm very happy with comments like these!!
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