Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Gift

"Love is a gift.
You can't buy it, you can't find it, someone has to give it to you.
Learn to be receptive of that gift.”
(Kurt Langner)

~ prompt of Writers Island - wk2 ~

Yesterday I read a column of a Dutch psychiatrist who, in quite a straight forward way, pointed out that many people (if not most of them) tend to take Love for granted. As a result of that, chances are that one day you'll find yourself in a situation where you have lost that love and you're begging for it to come back. When you look back, you can wonder why you didn't see it before: you were not aware of the importance for being grateful for the love that was given to you.

Without going into detail regarding that article, and even though it was written in a confronting tone, he had a point there. We should be more grateful for what is given to us, even when it is there every day again. Actually, I would say, because it is there every day again....

When I saw this week's prompt of Writers Island, my mind went straight back to that column and somehow, I immediately linked it to James Morrisons latest song, "Undiscovered".

Be grateful for the greatest gift of all: Love. And if you feel you haven't received it yet, take a look around. It's not lost, just undiscovered....

I'm not running, I'm not hiding
But if you dig a little deeper, you will find me

I'm not lost, not lost, undiscovered
And when we're alone we are all the same as each other



Anonymous said...

Love has a way of finding us even if we are not looking.

Beaman said...

Sweet ideas with a great deal of truth.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes. Why DO we do that? Nice post!

Keith's Ramblings said...

Love is a gift that should be cherrished not thrown away. I'm a world authority on the subject!

mks said...

Love, time, the small moments in life all of it is so easily passed over in our harried state of life. We not only need to find it but revel in it until it is coming out of our pores the way stress normally does. Fantastic post.

Lea said...

not lost... but undiscovered... beautiful.

Rae Trigg said...

It's often true that we take love for granted. Thank you for the thoughtful post.

Jo said...

Thank you all for your wonderful comments!


Anonymous said...

:) Liked this. - D W

Jo said...

thanks DW, nice to see you here again.... hope you're ok!