Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Key

~ prompt of Writers Island - wk3 ~

Several reasons for why it took me ages before I completed my post for WI prompt this week:

  • whilst on my swing of moods, I seem to get stuck every time I passed the "down"-bit. As I am still in the middle of the process of figuring out the do's and don'ts of Me, Myself and I, it wasn't a surprise, but falling can be painful...
  • I am trying to be more aware of not only myself, but also people, around me and general. It's a rewarding 'investment', but also a confronting and energy consuming one.
  • work, of course.
  • and I've got a bit of a flue (which is probably also related to the first reason mentioned)

All in all, thinking about what I wanted to write regarding the words "The Key", set me off and (oh how I "love/hate" my hyper focus now and again...) I found I had far too much to write about.

The key; it links to so many things in life. The key to your heart, your soul, the door, happiness, the truth, and so on. And every single example needs more than a few lines written about it.

I panicked. Missing out on this week's prompt wasn't an option. If I had nothing to tell, if it was a subject which means nothing to me, I would have been OK with skipping. But no, I had so many thoughts and triggers that I couldn't ignore them.

Then, I stumbled upon this amazing project: 6 billion Others

I read, listened and watched all of the whole site. It is one of the best things I have come across on the Internet. Ever. I got enormously impressed by the person who's behind this idea: Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

And, I realised that this is it. This is The Key. In fact, I would call it the Master Key.
For it will open all of our hearts, souls and doors, and happiness and truth will be there for all of us.

Achieving this Utopia seems so unrealistic and ridiculous. The lock that is blocking us all from getting there, seems impossible to open. But at least, someone tries and you've got to admire him for that.

He opened the door to my heart anyway...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for drawing attention to the project - I do think that the connections made between people are powerful keys.

Anonymous said...

Read your comments at my blog, thanks for coming by - BTW, I left you some cream puffs in that corner over there - no, no . . . the other corner. :)

Tumblewords: said...

The flu does alter one's energy and feelings...The thought that you couldn't let go of the prompt because it brought so much to the surface is a great touch. I'm off to read the 6 million and already know it's going to be a wonderful place. Thanks for yours!

Anonymous said...

I'm skeptical and that's why I feel that the project, albeit a heartening one, will become a graveyard. - D W

Lea said...

Thanks for the link to this project. The first two faces I clicked on were laughter and joy... You demonstrated so well in your frustration and writing, and then the discovery of this site, of the power of using the key we all hold in our hands and hearts... thank you.

Jo said...

Paris - you're right, he is amazing...

Kimberley - thanks! :)

Tumblewords - thank you, hope you enjoyed the site

DW - I know why you feel like that... but once we have lost our hope, we might as well go straight to the graveyard... I don't want to loose hope!

Lea - your words are so kind, thank you!

Anonymous said...

You opened our heart with this key. Thanks so very much.

Beau Brackish said...

Thank you for bringing this project to my attention. The key to changing the world is believing every one of us can make a difference.

Jo said...

Gautami & Herb,
thank you both!!