Monday, October 08, 2007


~ prompt of Writers Island - wk5 ~

Renewal of the soul - 4 by *nusbaum on deviantART

They say your renewal can only take place when you have been very close to death. Like nearly touching this cold, hated but so common "friend of life". So close, it's frightening; only 2 options remain and that is to flight or fight...

It's when you fight that you gain the chance of renewal. Renewal of that piece of you, that is so badly damaged, that with all of the little life that's left in there, it screams desperately for help. No one can hear it though, apart from you. For it is you, and only you, who can answer the question, supply the demand, fill in the needs, make the u-turn.

The pain may seem unbearable, your soul's severely injured but the hurt, this time, won't be like a companion of the enemy, but your friend. For it is so intense, that it provides you with a source of energy that nothing and nobody else can give you. It is a boost nearly too hot to handle.

But it's a chance and you grab it: simply because you already choose to fight and that is exactly the one and only reason why this chance is here, right in front of you and there is no way that you'll let go.

Wounds take time to heal. The tissue of your skin is remarkably well capable of creating new cells and forming a new layer of protection of your body. Sometimes the wounds have been so bad that this new layer may not look like what was there before. Scars appear and they can be a horrible reminder of what happened there before. But no matter how ugly, they are there and protect you.

For me, renewal of the soul can take place when not only having been so close to death, but also by to overcome the fear of it. You need fear to fight, but never fear fighting.

Sometimes, life's renewal isn't what you expected it to be. Sometimes the renewal of your soul is showing a complete different side of you, unknown before. But, take a closer look. Feel it, can you feel how thick this new layer of skin, this renewal is? The scars may seem ugly, look so different than what was there before.... yet, it may do one hell of a better job of protecting you.

So drive me out, yeah
Out to that open field
Turn the ignition off
And spin around
Your help is here



paisley said...

this is very inspirational for me,, as i have most definitely completed the first three steps and i am internally with time working on the rest of them... i feel very much that renewal is a possibility... sometimes it is just living that long i think......

Beau Brackish said...

Having lost a close relative after a long bout with illness, these steps can apply to survivors as well. Renewal is a long, difficult, painful process. Very inspiring, hopeful post.

d sinclair said...

having recently given birth I can really relate to this... thanks

Marja said...

This is passionate, powerfull, remarkable. I love it.
en dan ook nog in engels ongelofelijk. Josy ik heb jou toegevoegd aan mijn blog want ik ben erg onder de indruk..

Jo said...

Hello from the other Jo:) A very profound post.

Anonymous said...

Growth begins with pain, no matter the species. Very thoughtful post.



Anonymous said...

Thoughtful post. Pain is a very important part of renewal and we do overcome it eventually!

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Your thoughts and words lift me but I fear the Path is lost and we are indeed BLIND.. Does anyone hear us? I would the world be at peace but we were given free will. Free to chose the way. Just inspiring words and images-Great song....Come visit me...


Tumblewords: said...

Nicely done - renewal rules so many realms.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Great post, well said!

Mary Timme said...

I know I was taught that pain was the enemy and yet. . .pain is in every life, so why not learn to rather embrace it and go from there? Yet, we want to resist that.

Lea said...

Beautiful, your words come from a deep knowing... from your bones.

Gill said...

All these steps ring true for me.
This poignant posting on renewal is one of the best I've read today yet.
Nicely done.

Jo said...

Paisley- it wasn't until I finished, that I realised I had actually "formed" steps of the process... thanks for your view on this...

Herb- I'm sorry to read that you've lost someone close to you... but if anyone seems like a survivor (and inspiration) to me, it is you!

Danae- Congrat's Danae, & thanks for your comment!

Marja- Thank you so much Marja, I feel it's an honour to be linked in your blog! I love yours, you impress me! En wat leuk om op deze manier elkaar te ontmoeten/leren kennen...

Jo- hey Other Jo, ;) thank you!

Rose DK- Thanks! And btw, I love your site!

Gautami- your words are true, Gautami, and made me look at some of my words in a different way. Thanks!

Beloved Dreamer- Although I understand what you say, fearing the same, I keep on telling myself that we will be heared one day... I don't want to lose hope!

Tumblewords, Pepek & Mary- Thank you...!

Lea- you felt it right, thanks!

Blue / Gillian- how nice of you to leave a comment like this, thank you!!